Ewan Nicholson

bg-slider-home-life-coach Hi, I’m Ewan Nicholson. Fundamental and radical change is possible and reachable.
Healing from childhood isn’t about being less unhappy or going from dysfunctional to functional. Rather it is about regaining connection with our intrinsic joy, serenity and confidence in ourselves and life itself.
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Change is possible!

One of the most changeling aspects of healing childhood trauma or C-PTSD is feeling that we forever stuck and somehow permanently broken. 
Its very tiring and disheartening to try push forward and feel like we have ended up were we started.
Yet often what’s require isn’t more effort or greater willpower, rather it’s combination of consistent and dependable support, encouragement, insight and  practices.

What I offer as a Trauma Recovery Coach

Combining somatic therapies such as tremoring and safe and sound protocol, along with mindfulness and genuine interest and attention to your process, I believe any person can heal.
Through the ongoing healing of my own C-PTSD and childhood trauma is evidence that its possible. As your trauma recovery coach, I take that experience and use what I have learnt to you help you find the inspiration, methods and processes to allow to feel that change is possible. 

Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place.

It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.

Book Consultation Here

The formidable and Enduring power of LOVE

June 28, 2021

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How experiencing our “OBSERVING SELF” helps heal CHILDHOOD TRAUMA

June 14, 2021

self love


Do we need to LOVE ourselves before someone can LOVE US?

June 14, 2021


The importance of being OPEN-HEARTED 💑

June 14, 2021


How the experiencing “INTERIOR SILENCE” helps heal CHILDHOOD TRAUMA

June 7, 2021

How accessing the TENSION-LESS nature of NATURE, helps heal CHILDHOOD TRAUMA.

June 7, 2021