Category: Dissociation

  • How MINDFULNESS has helped reduce my habit of DISSOCIATION

    How MINDFULNESS has helped reduce my habit of DISSOCIATION

    In this video, I share my experience of dissociation. Why reducing the habit of dissociation is an important part of healing our childhood trauma. I reveal how mindfulness has been instrumental in reducing my dissociation. I share practical tips on how to overcome the barriers that make meditation and mindfulness difficult if you have a…

  • Getting LOST & Coming HOME – A reflection on dissociation

    Getting LOST & Coming HOME – A reflection on dissociation

    Short video on how childhood trauma can lead us to feeling lost and how important it is to come home to ourselves. Transcript of the audio below I had a vision once in it I was a lost baby whale I felt a deep sadness and loneliness being abandoned and left to my own at…